Our Favorite Homeschool Thanksgiving Resources
Books are one thing we are definitely thankful for each year. Time spent snuggling and reading them together is priceless. But, with so many options available today, it is hard to know which books will capture your child’s attention and make the most of reading and learning together.
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We’ve put together a list to share of our favorite Thanksgiving books, found on the shelves in our own homes. These are books we have enjoyed reading with our families that keep the kids asking for more. We hope you will enjoy them too! Perhaps this is the Thanksgiving book list you’ve been waiting for!

What is Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving Is… by Gail Gibbons (a Perhaps This Is favorite author). Get started with a kid-friendly overview of how Thanksgiving came to be. Easy for younger kids to understand and great paintings help tell the story. Just the right amount of information for little audiences.
Thanksgiving Day by Gail Gibbons. A look at how Thanksgiving is celebrated today and a peek at celebrations of the past. Great for younger readers.
The Thanksgiving Story by Alice Dalgliesh. Follow along with three pilgrim children and hear their story of coming to the New World and the hardships they endured. The first Thanksgiving is a great ending to this Caldecott Honor recipient.
The Story of Thanksgiving by Nancy J. Skarmeas. A board book that tells the Thanksgiving story with simple words and bright pictures. Great way to introduce the holiday to toddlers.
The Pilgrims’ First Thanksgiving by Ann McGovern (also a Perhaps This Is favorite author). Another great book with simple sentences for younger readers (K-2). Tells the story of the Pilgrims’ journey to the New World and their celebration after their first harvest.
Who are the Pilgrims?
The Pilgrims of Plimoth by Marcia Sewall. A look at what life was like for Pilgrim men, women and children. The book is written like a diary and told using words and phrases of the time.
N.C. Wyeth’s Pilgrims by Robert San Souchi. The author brings to life N.C. Wyeth’s beautiful paintings in this story about the Pilgrims. Using his own visit to Plimoth Plantation and numerous sources, this author has created a bright history resource.
“…If You Sailed on The Mayflower in 1620” by Ann McGovern. An informative look at life aboard the Mayflower and life in the New World. Originally published in 1969, this book is still around for a reason!
Safari Ltd Jamestown Settlers TOOB – Jamestown was the first permanent English Settlement in early 1600s America. Despite many hardships, the settlers survived and Jamestown is now an important historical site. This TOOB has 12 pieces which include a sailor with navigational device, blacksmith, settler with musket, settler workman with axe, explorer John Smith, female settler gardening, female settler cooking, chicken, pig, cannon, and tall ship.

Who are the Native Americans?
North American Indians by Marie and Douglas Gorsline. Introduce your children to the variety found in Native American tribes. See how life was similar and different among them. Great overview featuring several North American tribes.
Squanto Friend of the Pilgrims by Clyde Robert Bulla. Informative story about the friendship between Squanto and the Pilgrims. Excellent read-aloud chapter book, great for grades 2-5. It kept our children’s attention and had just the right amount of illustrations. This book is found on many homeschool curriculum lists.
Safari Ltd. TOOB Powhatan Indians – The Powhatans were a collection of native tribes who lived in what is now eastern Virginia. They were some of the first Native Americans encountered by colonists and were written about extensively by English explorer Captain John Smith. The most famous Powhatan is undoubtedly Pocahontas. This TOOB includes a camp fire, dugout canoe, stretched deer hide, Powhatan woman cooking, Powhatan warrior with war club, Powhatan hunter with bow, Pocahontas, Powhatan woman with baby, Chief Whunsoncock, as well as a deer, bear, and fox. It is a great hands-on tool that can help children learn the early history of America.
Photographed at Plimoth Plantation
We LOVE books that make history feel real. Author Kate Waters (a Perhaps This Is favorite) has done a remarkable job bringing to life Plimoth Plantation through her books. The following are ones we adore for their ability to transport you into the past. We highly recommend these realistic stories to get your kids excited about history.
Giving Thanks, The 1621 Harvest Feast by Kate Waters. Photographed at Plimoth Plantation, this story is told through the eyes of a Wampanoag boy and an English boy. It is a well researched, authentic story of what historians believe may have happened during the event we’ve come to know as Thanksgiving.
Tapenum’s Day, A Wampanoag Indian Boy in Pilgrim Times by Kate Waters. This book tells the story of a Wampanoag boy on his journey to become a special warrior prince. The Wampanoag come to life with recreated photos (taken at Plimoth Plantation) of their homes, food and daily life.
On the Mayflower, Voyage of the Ship’s Apprentice & a Passenger Girl by Kate Waters. We love this book because it is full of real-life photographs taken aboard the Mayflower II, a reproduction of what historians believe the original ship looked like. It tells the story of two children as they sail across the Atlantic Ocean on their way to North America.
Festive Favorites
Cranberry Thanksgiving by Wende Devlin. This book is found on many homeschool curriculum lists. It is a story about welcoming others at Thanksgiving, even Mr. Whiskers, a less than pleasing guest. Find out what happens when Grandma’s cranberry bread recipe turns up missing. The recipe is printed in the book, so gather up your ingredients and get ready to bake! We did and we approve!
A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting. Turkeys have Thanksgiving stories too! Read this tale of one turkey’s invitation to dinner.
Corn is Maize, The Gift of the Indians by Aliki. A book all about corn…how it grows, where it came from and what it is used for. Get your bowl of popcorn ready to snack on as you read along!
From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pfeffer. Wonder how a pumpkin grows? This book explains it all in easy terms and warm illustrations. Includes two kitchen activities to further the pumpkin fun. Homemade roasted pumpkin seeds are the best!
Did we list one of your favorites? If not, let us know below what your favorite Thanksgiving books are!