Book Lists,  Homeschool

Over 30 Incredible Ocean Themed Books, Games and Resources

Before any trip we plan, we always try to find books, educational toys, and games that pertain to the places we are visiting. One of our most favorite places to learn about and visit is the ocean. Whether it is a field trip to an aquarium, a vacation to Florida, or a Hawaiian getaway, we’ve got you covered!

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Our children have always loved all things ocean, ever since they were little. There is definitely no shortage of ocean themed books to choose from in both of our homes! The hard part was trying to decide which ones to share with you, without this post being a mile long.

All we can say is… we tried!

Ocean Books For Kids Along with Games and Resources


Marine Biology Unit Study from The Good And The Beautiful by Jenny Phillips. We recently came across this curriculum and instantly fell in love! It was just enough information during each lesson and we love that there isn’t any prep before each lesson (except for a little cutting and supply gathering). Our children enjoyed the books on the book list and the science experiments. It was the perfect addition to our schooling right before a trip to Florida.


My Little Ocean by Katrin Wiehle. A simple, sweet board book to introduce your little one to life around the ocean. Seagull, Sea and Crab help you explore the salty sea in this lovely book made from recycled materials.

My Little Ocean (A Natural World Board Book)
  • Wiehle, Katrin (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 16 Pages – 06/11/2019 (Publication Date) – Clarion Books (Publisher)

The Sea Book; Meet the Marvelous Creatures Living in Our Oceans by Charlotte Milner. This book’s cover hooked us as soon as we laid eyes on it! We adore sea turtles and knew we would love the artwork before we even turned a page. This enchanting book takes a look at many of the ocean’s creatures, the problems they face (such plastic pollution) and ways you can help improve the variety of life found in the sea.

The Sea Book (Conservation for Kids)
  • Hardcover Book
  • Milner, Charlotte (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 48 Pages – 02/05/2019 (Publication Date) – DK Children (Publisher)

The Brilliant Deep; Rebuilding the World’s Coral Reefs by Kate Messner. Brilliant Deep is based on the true story of Ken Nedimeyer, founder of the Coral Restoration Foundation. Ken grew up in Florida and, as a boy, fell in love with the coral reefs found along the shores. Over the years, he began to notice there were less and less coral reefs to explore. Determined to help he came up with a plan to rebuild them. An incredible story of how one person truly can make a difference.

The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World’s Coral ReefsThe Story of Ken Nedimyer and the Coral Restoration Foundation
  • Hardcover Book
  • Messner, Kate (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 48 Pages – 05/08/2018 (Publication Date) – Chronicle Books (Publisher)

If Sharks Disappeared by Lily Williams. We agree… sharks can be scary! Even though they might frighten us, they do have a special role in the ocean. Sadly, some species of shark are in danger of extinction because of human activity. What would the ocean look like without sharks? This book takes a look at how different life would be without them.

If Sharks Disappeared (If Animals Disappeared)
  • Hardcover Book
  • Williams, Lily (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 40 Pages – 05/23/2017 (Publication Date) – Roaring Brook Press (Publisher)

Who Eats Who? Food Chains and Food Webs by Patricia Lauber. This book is a simple, easy to understand, look at food chains and how humans play a part in them too. Not-so-scary artwork helps explain the concept of animals eating, and being eaten, as part of a food chain. Great book for younger readers.

Who Eats What?: Food Chains and Food Webs (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)
  • Lauber, Patricia (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 02/02/2016 (Publication Date) – HarperCollins (Publisher)

Ocean: The Definitive Visual Guide by Robert Dinwiddle. This is one of our favorite books! It’s a bigger book- think coffee table book- but it is bursting with beautiful photos and tons of information.

Ocean: The Definitive Visual Guide
  • Hardcover Book
  • Robert Dinwiddie (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 512 Pages – 08/18/2014 (Publication Date) – DK (Publisher)

Oceans (Mini Encyclopedia) By Miles Kelly Great. All of our children LOVE this book! It is the perfect sized book to bring along with you to the aquarium. If your children are anything like ours, they always want to look up each creature they see.

Oceans (Mini Encyclopedia)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 384 Pages – Miles Kelly (Publisher)

The Berenstain Bears Under the Sea by Mike Berenstain. The Berenstain Bears dive under the ocean to discover life below the waves! They will find flying fish, dolphins, sharks, and giant squid while getting an up-close look at undersea plants.

The Berenstain Bears Under the Sea
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Berenstain, Mike (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 24 Pages – 04/19/2016 (Publication Date) – HarperCollins (Publisher)

How Deep Is the Ocean? (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2) by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld. The ocean covers almost 75% of our Earth! How deep is it though? Get ready to find out in this book that takes you to the deepest parts of our oceans. You’ll meet some of the strange, glowing creatures that live there in complete darkness.

How Deep Is the Ocean? (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)
  • hands-on and visual|acclaimed and trusted|great for classrooms|Entertain and educate at the same time|Have appealing child-centered topics|Developmentally appropriate for emerging readers|Focused; answering questions instead of using survey approach|Employ engaging picture book quality illustrations|Use simple charts and graphics to improve visual literacy skills|Feature hands-on activities to engage young scientists|Meet national science education standards|Written/illustrated by award-winning authors/illustrators vetted by an expert in the field|Over 130 titles in print meeting a wide range of kids’ scientific interests
  • Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 40 Pages – 07/05/2016 (Publication Date) – HarperCollins (Publisher)

The Big Book of the Blue by Yuval Zommer. This book explains how different species of ocean animals are able to breathe and survive underwater. You’ll learn about everything from sea turtles, sharks, whales, seahorses and stingrays, and visit even the deepest parts of the ocean. There is wonderful information about what everyone can do to help save marine life and their ocean home. The artwork is adorable and will have you falling in love with each cute face!

The Big Book of the Blue (The Big Book Series)
  • Hardcover Book
  • Zommer, Yuval (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 64 Pages – 06/05/2018 (Publication Date) – Thames & Hudson (Publisher)

I Wonder Why the Sea Is Salty… and Other Questions About the Oceans by Anita Ganeri. This book is full of answers to all of your child’s questions about the ocean. Well… except, “When can we go to the beach again?!”

I Wonder Why the Sea Is Salty: and Other Questions About the Oceans
  • Ganeri, Anita (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 03/01/2011 (Publication Date) – Kingfisher (Publisher)

The Great Undersea Search (Usborne) by Kate Needham. This is an “I Spy” type book, but all ocean related. There are pictures in the center of the pages and all along the border, that show you which creature to look for. Each snippet is complete with their correct name and an interesting fact about them. Don’t worry parents, there is an answer key in the back in case you get stuck.

The Great Undersea Search
  • Hardcover Book
  • Needham, Kate (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 03/27/2025 (Publication Date) – Usborne Pub Ltd (Publisher)

Swimmy by Lio Lionni. Swimmy is a fish who suddenly lives alone after his mom and dad are eaten. Adjusting to his new life is difficult, yet he manages to see beauty around him. What happens when he comes across a group of fish too afraid to swim out into the world? Find out how together they work to overcome their fears. What’s better than a story about teamwork, whose main character is a fish?!? Swimmy was a 1964 Caldecott Honor winner, and once you read it, you will understand why. 

  • Lionni, Leo (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 01/17/2017 (Publication Date) – Dragonfly Books (Publisher)

A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle. Follow along as the hermit crab in this story keeps growing out of his shell and must look for a new home each time. The artwork is bright and vibrant, and true Eric Carle style. This book is a great way to talk to kids about growing up, moving to a new home or starting a new school.

A House for Hermit Crab/Ready-to-Read Level 2 (The World of Eric Carle)
  • Carle, Eric (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 05/13/2014 (Publication Date) – Simon Spotlight (Publisher)

Sunken Treasure by Gail Gibbons. This book (based on real events) is all about The Atocha, a Spanish ship, that sunk because of a hurricane that hit while they were near Florida. Sunken Treasure shows the work that goes into finding a sunken ship and also what is done once the ship has been discovered. There are also sections about other famous treasure hunts, like the Mary Rose, The Vasa, The Whydah, and the Titanic (our favorite story). We LOVE Gail Gibbons’ books!! She has a way of going into detail about what is happening, without being textbook boring. We even remember the Reading Rainbow episode that this book was featured on!

Sunken Treasure (Rise and Shine) (Reading Rainbow Books)
  • Gibbons, Gail (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 03/16/1990 (Publication Date) – HarperCollins (Publisher)

One Small Square: Coral Reef by Donald M. Silver. With so much to explore in the ocean, it is hard to know where to start. This book takes a look at coral reef life one little square at a time. It introduces you to several coral reef dwellers and takes a look at some of their behaviors. Bright, realistic artwork brings the ocean to life.

Coral Reef
  • Silver, Donald M. (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 48 Pages – 09/22/1997 (Publication Date) – McGraw Hill (Publisher)

What Lives In A Shell (Let’s Read and Find Out) by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld. Our children are fascinated by seashells and request them anytime someone they know visits the ocean. The shells are all so unique and we often find ourselves wondering what lived inside them. This book is an amazing way to take a look at seashells and the variety of marine life that call them home. The pictures of seashells are very realistic and it is fun to compare them with ones you may have at home.

What Lives in a Shell? (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1)
  • Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 08/04/2015 (Publication Date) – HarperCollins (Publisher)

Seashells, Crabs, and Sea Stars by Christiane Kump Tibbitts. Another great book about the beauty of seashells complete with ideas for activities to further learning. Sea stars and crabs join the fun too!

Seashells, Crabs and Sea Stars: Take-Along Guide (Take Along Guides)
  • Tibbitts, Christiane Kump (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 48 Pages – 01/01/1999 (Publication Date) – Cooper Square Publishing Llc (Publisher)

Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbons. Yes, it’s another Gail Gibbons book! You can’t go wrong! This book talks about the eight different kinds of sea turtles found in the ocean. Sea Turtles shows the differences and similarities between each species and is great for younger readers.

Sea Turtles (New & Updated)
  • Gibbons, Gail (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 01/01/1995 (Publication Date) – Holiday House (Publisher)

National Geographic Kids: Sharks by Anne Schreiber. An in-depth look at one of the most feared creatures in the sea… the shark. Chock full of facts, you are sure to learn something new with this book. We did! We learned that sharks actually lose more than 10,000 teeth during their lifetime. That is a lot of work (and expense!) for the underwater tooth fairy!

National Geographic Readers: Sharks! (Science Reader Level 2)
  • Great product!
  • Schreiber, Anne (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 07/08/2008 (Publication Date) – National Geographic Kids (Publisher)

Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Became the Ocean’s Most Fearless Scientist by Jess Keating. We fell in love with this book on our trip to the Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium, in Sarasota FL. It was love at first sight too, for Eugenie when she laid eyes on a shark at an aquarium. Eugenie eventually became a top scientist in her field and went on to become the founding director at the Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium. This is a wonderful book to introduce sharks and to show anything is possible.

Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Became the Ocean’s Most Fearless Scientist (Women in Science Books, Marine Biology for Kids, Shark Gifts)
  • Hardcover Book
  • Keating, Jess (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 40 Pages – 06/06/2017 (Publication Date) – Sourcebooks Explore (Publisher)

My First Book About The Oceans (Dover Coloring Book) by Donald M. Silver and Patricia J. Wynne. This is the perfect ocean coloring book to keep kids occupied during the “getting there” part of your trip.  

My First Book About the Oceans (Dover Science For Kids Coloring Books)
  • Wynne, Patricia J. (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 48 Pages – 06/13/2018 (Publication Date) – Dover Publications (Publisher)

Realistic Sharks Stickers (Dover Little Activity Books) by Jan Sovak. Our kids love these because the stickers are realistic and not cartoons. We love them because they are inexpensive. The booklet includes the bonnethead, bull, zebra, mako, silvertip, great white, great hammerhead, and six other sharks, totaling 13 in all.

Realistic Sharks Stickers (Dover Little Activity Books: Sea Life)
  • 800759416240
  • Brand New Item / Unopened Product
  • Dover Publications
  • Jan Sovak (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

Ocean: A Photicular Book by Dan Kainen and Carol Kaufmann. What could possibly be better than a book full of ocean creatures? How about a book where the animals seem to come to life?! A photicular book has images that seem to move, as if being watched on a screen. It is amazing! You truly won’t believe your eyes!

Ocean: A Photicular Book
  • Hardcover Book
  • Kainen, Dan (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 28 Pages – 10/07/2014 (Publication Date) – Workman Publishing Company (Publisher)

The Underwater Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta. “H” is for Humu humu nuku nuku apua’a, Hawaii’s State Fish and one of our favorites! This fun alphabet book takes you underwater to meet some ocean friends and learn the ABCs.

The Underwater Alphabet Book (Jerry Pallotta’s Alphabet Books)
  • Pallotta, Jerry (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 02/01/1991 (Publication Date) – Charlesbridge (Publisher)

First Big Book of the Ocean (National Geographic Kids) by Catherine D. Hughes.  National Geographic does it again! Explore everything from puffins to Chinstrap penguins. This book is full of fun-facts and stunning photos of some of the ocean’s most familiar faces. Great book for beginning readers.

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of the Ocean (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books)
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • Hardcover Book
  • Hughes, Catherine D. (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 128 Pages – 10/08/2013 (Publication Date) – National Geographic Kids (Publisher)

Night of the Moonjellies by Mark Shasha. After a busy day helping his grandparents work at their burger joint, Mark and his Gram sail out to sea at night in search of moonjellies. Will they find them? We love this book because it shares the beauty and calm of the ocean at night and spending time with grandparents.

Night of the Moonjellies
  • Hardcover Book
  • Mark Shasha (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 10/16/2017 (Publication Date) – Purple House Press (Publisher)

Ocean Pollution

Image Credit: Upcycle Hawaii (used with permission).

Meet the Artist~ Mattie Mae Larson, Upcycle Hawaii. Read our blog post about this incredible Big Island artist and business owner who is on the front lines of the plastic pollution problem affecting our oceans. Mattie Mae regularly visits beaches along the coastline of the Island of Hawai’i which are heavily impacted by marine debris and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Don’t miss Our Visit with Upcycle Hawaii to One the Most Plastic Polluted Beaches in the World.

Mattie Mae uses materials she recovers during her beach clean-ups to create unique wearable art. Be sure to help support her mission and check out Upcycle Hawaii’s online shop where you can purchase some of the beautiful items she creates. She also writes a blog which helps shed light on her work against plastic pollution and post-consumer waste.

Fun and Games


We are big fans of the Safari LTD TOOBS, especially Trisha’s youngest. He loves to match them to corresponding three-part cards, popular in the Montessori world. They are very realistic looking, and each one has the proper name on the bottom of each piece.

Safari Ltd. Ocean TOOB – 12 Mini Figurines: Sea Lion, Eagle Ray, Starfish, Turtle, Penguin, Octopus, Whales, Moray Eel, Sharks, and Dolphin – Educational Toy Figures For Boys, Girls & Kids Ages 3+
  • Ocean Adventure in a Toob: This Ocean TOOB contains 12 hand-painted mini figurines of iconic sea creatures including a sea lion, eagle ray, starfish, turtle, penguin, octopus, humpback whale, sperm whale, moray eel, hammerhead shark, tiger shark, and a dolphin.
  • Educational and Fun: These ocean animal figures offer children an exciting way to learn about marine life and the biodiversity of the world’s oceans. They serve as a great resource for lessons on marine biology, environmental science, and conservation.
Safari Ltd. Coral Reef Toob – 11 Marine Life Figurines – Scuba Diver, Fish, Treasure, and More – Educational Toy Set for Boys, Girls, and Kids Ages 3+
  • SET OF 12 CORAL REEF BUDDIES – The Coral Reef is home to some of the most amazing and beautiful fish and creatures on the planet. The Safari Ltd Coral Reef TOOB features 12 of the most iconic life forms and items for the depths of the reef, including parrot fish, clown trigger fish, angel fish, blue tang, octopus, starfish, scuba diver, seahorse, coral, cowry shell, clown anemone fish, and treasure chest.
  • COMES IN CONVENIENT TOOB – All these fish and friends pack neatly into a reusable tube, making them easy to store and carry-along. For cleaning, just wipe with a damp cloth.
Safari Ltd. Endangered Marine Species TOOB – Figures of Whales, Marine Iguana, Galapagos Penguin, Sea Lion, Spotted Eagle Ray, Sawfish, Hammerhead and Turtles – Toys for Boys, Girls & Kids Ages 3+
  • Diverse Set of Marine Life: The Oceanic Endangered Species Toob includes figures of 10 distinct and vulnerable marine species: a blue whale, whale shark, marine iguana, hawksbill turtle, Galapagos penguin, sea lion, spotted eagle ray, sawfish, Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle, and a great hammerhead shark.
  • Educational and Fun: This set is not only great for imaginative play but also serves as an educational tool, teaching children about the various endangered species in our oceans and the importance of their conservation.
Safari Ltd. Baby Sea Life TOOB – Figurines: Harp Seal, Beluga, Penguin, Dolphin, Orca, Shark, Manatee, Turtle, Walrus, Sea Lion, Otter – Educational Toy Figures For Boys, Girls & Kids Ages 3+
  • Oceanic Collection: The Toob includes 12 mini figurines depicting adorable baby versions of beloved sea creatures, including the harp seal, beluga whale, penguin, bottlenose dolphin, orca, and many more.
  • Fun and Educational: These vibrant and professionally hand-painted figurines are not only enjoyable to play with, but also offer an engaging and scientifically accurate way for children to learn about marine life.
Safari Ltd. Sharks TOOB – 11 Hand-Painted Mini Figurines Including Great White, Whale Shark, Tiger Shark, Hammerhead, Mako, and More – Educational Toy Figures For Boys, Girls & Kids Toys Ages 3+
  • Comprehensive Set: This TOOB features 11 hand-painted, highly detailed shark figurines representing various species, including the great white, tiger shark, whale shark, and more. Also included is a member of the ray family, the spotted eagle ray.
  • Engaging Learning: These figurines make excellent tools for teaching kids about different shark species and their unique characteristics. They can also foster discussions about conservation and marine life.

Games and Puzzles

Ocean Bingo  The whole family will love this gorgeous game of Bingo, which features 64 of the ocean’s most fantastic creatures.

Laurence King Ocean Bingo
  • 🐟 EDUCATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT: Play bingo with giant whales, terrifying sharks, tropical fish and playful penguins.
  • 🐟 BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS of 64 sea creatures, with facts included about each!
  • 🐟 SCREEN-FREE FUN: A fun game for children and adults to play together.
  • 🐟 This family-friendly game is packed with ocean creatures for hours of bingo fun. Includes such favorites as the emperor penguin, sea otter, killer whale and Pacific seahorse as well as lesser known sea inhabitants like the yellow-bellied sea snake and the bioluminescent octopus.
  • 🐟 Boasting 64 weird, wonderful and beautiful species, Ocean Bingo is filled with fun facts and glorious illustrations that are guaranteed to delight aquatic aficionados. Mark each species off on your card and be the first to shout BINGO!

Professor Noggin’s Life In The Ocean Card Game A trivia game for kids all about the ocean. There are different levels of difficulty for the questions. This game is perfect for tossing in a backpack or carry-on when traveling.

Outset Media Professor Noggin’s Life in The Ocean Trivia Card Game – an Educational Based Card Game for Kids – Trivia, True or False, and Multiple Choice – Ages 7+ – Contains 30 Cards
  • PLAY & LEARN: Professor Noggin’s series of educational card games encourages kids to learn interesting facts about their favorite subjects.
  • FUN FACTS: Explore underwater and learn about the amazing creatures in the sea. Discover facts about common mammals, plants and other Life in the Ocean.
  • CARD GAME: Each of the thirty game cards combines trivia, true or false, and multiple-choice questions. A special three-numbered die is included which adds an element of unpredictability.
  • TWO-LEVELS OF PLAY: Easy and hard levels keep kids interested and challenged while of course having fun.
  • INCLUDES: 30 trivia cards, one three-sided die and instructions. ( 2 to 8 players ages 7 and up)

Ravensburger Beautiful Ocean Puzzle  Our children love this brand of puzzles because the pieces fit together perfectly! They are colorful and full of details.

Ravensburger Beautiful Ocean Jigsaw Puzzle | 100 Unique Pieces | Kid-Friendly, Durable & Educational | Perfect for Ages 6 & Up | FSC Certified for Sustainability
  • ENGAGING OCEAN-THEMED PUZZLE: Dive into a vibrant underwater world with this 100-piece jigsaw puzzle featuring playful dolphins, majestic sea lions, and a charming sea turtle
  • DESIGNED FOR YOUNG MINDS: Specially crafted for kids aged 6 and up – large, sturdy pieces are easy to handle and assemble for endless enjoyment and repeat play
  • PREMIUM QUALITY: Experience the Ravensburger difference with high-quality, precision-cut pieces that fit together seamlessly – showcasing captivating images to pique children’s interest and curiosity
  • VIBRANT AND DURABLE: Made to last with top-notch materials that ensure vivid colors and a glare-free, easy-to-clean surface – ensuring years of puzzling fun
  • EDUCATIONAL AND FUN: Enhance children’s problem-solving, dexterity, concentration, and collaboration skills – the perfect birthday or holiday gift that’s both entertaining and beneficial

Melissa and Doug Ocean Magnetic Puzzle Can’t forget about the younger siblings! Trisha’s youngest enjoys going fishing while his sisters tackle the larger puzzle. This is a wooden puzzle with perfect sized pieces.

Melissa & Doug Magnetic Wooden Fishing Game and Puzzle With Wooden Ocean Animal Magnets
  • Includes 10 magnetic fish pieces and magnetic pole
  • Adorable artwork in bright, eye-catching colors
  • A creative way to encourage hand-eye coordination and fine motor development
  • Sturdy wooden construction
  • Makes a great gift for girls and boys, ages 3 to 6, for hands-on, screen-free play

Read about our visits to some of our favorite aquariums and other ocean experiences:


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