Inspiring Earth Day Books For Kids, You’re Sure to Love!
There are so many things to love about our planet… and so many fantastic Earth Day books for kids too! Stunning scenery, remarkable creatures and shimmering waters always manage to leave us in awe of our earth. We adore pangolins that scamper about their African grassland home, and green sea turtles that swim along Hawaii’s tropical shores.

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Our families love to celebrate the beauty of our planet and make efforts to protect it throughout the year. There is never a shortage of new things to learn or great books to help!
Earth Day Books For Kids
We’ve put together a list of our favorite Earth Day books for kids that showcase our planet’s beauty, the man-made problems its facing, and what we all can do to help protect our earth. Perhaps, you too will celebrate Earth Day everyday by keeping some of these incredible books on your shelf year-round. Enjoy!
For the complete list, including some new additions, click here!
Hello Earth!
Earth Day: An Alphabet Book by Gary Kowalski. Younger listeners will enjoy a trip around the world to discover some interesting plants and animals that make our planet beautiful. An exciting book to teach the alphabet and celebrate the wonders of the earth.
- Used Book in Good Condition
- Hardcover Book
- Kowalski, Gary (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 32 Pages – 05/01/2009 (Publication Date) – Skinner House Books (Publisher)
Thank You, Earth: A Love Letter to Our Planet by April Pulley Sayre. A beautifully written poem accompanies the stunning photographs that show the detail and wonder of the world around us. Great to share with younger listeners. After reading it, you may want your family to write their own thank you to the earth.
- Hardcover Book
- Sayre, April Pulley (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 40 Pages – 02/20/2018 (Publication Date) – Greenwillow Books (Publisher)
Earth Day Birthday by Chad Wallace. This book is a poem which celebrates a variety of the earth’s unique creatures. Bald Eagles, bison, and salmon are some of the wildlife featured. With us, it didn’t stand a chance of staying on the shelf with those adorable sea turtle hatchlings on the cover! The poem was written to be sung to the tune of “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Earth Day Birthday is such a fun book for younger listeners and is a great addition to your Earth Day celebrations! There is also a brief history of Earth Day found in the back of the book.
- Hardcover Book
- Wallace, Chad (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 32 Pages – 03/25/2025 (Publication Date) – Dawn Pubns (Publisher)
Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth by Oliver Jeffers. This book was written to help answer some of the curiosities a young mind would wonder about the earth. It is a very sweet look at some of the amazing things on our planet and what a person may feel experiencing them for the first time. Here We Are was written by a father to his son during the first few months of his life. Great for younger listeners.
- Hardcover Book
- Jeffers, Oliver (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 11/14/2017 (Publication Date) – Philomel Books (Publisher)
Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years by Stacy McAnulty. A funny, light-hearted look at the story of planet earth… told by the earth! Come along, as Earth takes you from the very beginning to present day. You’ll learn all about her family (the other planets) and her closest friends, Moon (Moon! Earth’s Best Friend) and Sun (Sun! One in a Billion). The text is both funny and educational without being boring. It has quickly become a family favorite in our house.
- Hardcover Book
- McAnulty, Stacy (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 40 Pages – 10/24/2017 (Publication Date) – Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) (Publisher)
Human Footprint on Earth
Our Footprint on Earth by Jeanne Sturm. This book gives you an understanding between the stuff we do, how it impacts the Earth, and what you can do to change it.
- Sturm, Jeanne (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 08/01/2009 (Publication Date) – Rourke Educational Media (Publisher)
Human Footprint: Everything You Will Eat, Use, Wear, Buy, and Throw Out in Your Lifetime by Ellen Kirk. Did you know that in your lifetime you will take 28,433 showers?!? This National Geographic Kids book does a great job of explaining how the choices you make every day, affects the Earth. The photography throughout gives you a greater perspective about how much one person can use in a lifetime, based on national averages. It is packed with suggestions on how little changes we can make each day can lessen our footprint on the Earth.
- Kirk, Ellen (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 32 Pages – 03/08/2011 (Publication Date) – National Geographic Kids (Publisher)
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. This book had us “Meet the Lorax. He speaks for the trees.” This story allows readers to learn to appreciate the world around us and also the danger of taking the Earth for granted. Our favorite quote is from this book: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” This is a great book to help children understand that no matter how small they are, whether a seed or a child, they can make a difference.
- Hardcover Book
- Dr. Seuss (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 72 Pages – 08/12/1971 (Publication Date) – Random House Books for Young Readers (Publisher)
Garbage Galore
This Book Stinks!: Gross Garbage, Rotten Rubbish, and the Science of Trash by Sarah Wassner Flynn. A great introduction to the world of waste told using real-life photographs and just the right amount of information. This book covers everything from the amount of waste produced in the world to what you can do to help improve the problem. You’ll meet a professional dumpster diver who makes a living selling items found in the trash, and an innovative musician that creates instruments from rubbish. After reading this book, you will be inspired to lend a hand to planet earth.
- Flynn, Sarah Wassner (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 128 Pages – 03/28/2017 (Publication Date) – National Geographic Kids (Publisher)
Where Does the Garbage Go? by Paul Showers. This Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science book gives you the opportunity to follow a garbage truck on its journey, and ways you can help solve the problem of too much trash. Your journey will make stops at the landfill, the incinerator, and the recycling center. Throughout the book kids are encouraged to help the environment by making easy changes, such as sorting trash into recycling and reducing the use of single-use containers.
- hands-on and visual|acclaimed and trusted|great for classrooms|Entertain and educate at the same time|Have appealing child-centered topics|Developmentally appropriate for emerging readers|Focused; answering questions instead of using survey approach|Employ engaging picture book quality illustrations|Use simple charts and graphics to improve visual literacy skills|Feature hands-on activities to engage young scientists|Meet national science education standards|Written/illustrated by award-winning authors/illustrators vetted by an expert in the field|Over 130 titles in print meeting a wide range of kids’ scientific interests
- Showers, Paul (Author)
What Happens to Our Trash? (Let’s Read And Find Out Science) by D.J. Ward. Did you know that Americans make more trash every day than any other people in the world? That’s a lot of trash! So what happens to it? In another great Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science book, you can follow your trash to see where it ends up and learn different ways you can reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- hands-on and visual
- acclaimed and trusted
- great for classrooms
- Entertain and educate at the same time
- Have appealing, child-centered topics
All That Trash: The Story of the 1987 Garbage Barge and Our Problem with Stuff by Meghan McCarthy. In 1987, Lowell Harrelson wanted to turn trash into methane gas. He rented a barge called Morbo 4000 to deliver the trash to where he wanted. During the barge’s journey from New York to North Carolina, not one state would let it dock due to the smell of all the garbage. It took 45 days and 6,000 miles to find a solution. Thanks to media coverage of the barge, many people’s eyes were opened to America’s waste problem.
- Hardcover Book
- McCarthy, Meghan (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 02/27/2018 (Publication Date) – Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books (Publisher)
Here Comes The Garbage Barge! by Jonah Winter. Based on true events, this book takes you on the journey of one town’s garbage that has been sent away because there is too much of it to dispose of nearby. What will become of this stinking barge full of trash that nobody wants? You’ll be surprised to find out.
- Hardcover Book
- Winter, Jonah (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 40 Pages – 02/09/2010 (Publication Date) – Schwartz & Wade (Publisher)
Trashing the Planet: Examining Our Global Garbage Glut by Stuart A. Kallen. Sadly, we all know humans consume and throw away items at an alarming rate. What exactly is being done though to combat the increasing garbage problem? This book introduces you to many agencies, businesses, and volunteers who are working to help the planet. Real-life photographs, often very difficult to look at, help tell the story.
- Kallen, Stuart A. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 104 Pages – 08/01/2017 (Publication Date) – Twenty-First Century Books ™ (Publisher)
Ocean Pollution

Image credit: Upcycle Hawaii (used with permission)
Meet the Artist~ Mattie Mae Larson, Upcycle Hawaii. Read our blog post about this incredible Big Island artist and business owner who is on the front lines of the plastic pollution problem affecting our oceans. Mattie Mae regularly visits beaches along the southeast coastline of the Island of Hawai’i which are heavily impacted by marine debris and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Don’t miss Our Visit with Upcycle Hawaii to One the Most Plastic Polluted Beaches in the World.
Mattie Mae uses materials she recovers during her beach clean-ups to create unique wearable art. Be sure to help support her mission and check out Upcycle Hawaii’s online shop where you can purchase some of the beautiful items she creates. She also writes a blog which helps shed light on her work against plastic pollution and post-consumer waste.
Plastic, Ahoy!: Investigating the Great Pacific Garbage Patch by Patricia Newman. Join a group of researchers as they travel to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to study and document the growing plastic pollution problem in the ocean. You’ll learn everything from how the plastic is getting there to what effect it is having on marine life. This is an undeniable look at the devastation caused by plastic. We recommend this book for middle schoolers, and enjoyed using the Teacher’s Guide provided by the author.
- Newman, Patricia (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 01/01/2014 (Publication Date) – Millbrook Press ™ (Publisher)
Trash Vortex: How Plastic Pollution Is Choking the World’s Oceans by Danielle Smith-Llera. Yet another book highlighting the effects of plastic pollution on our wildlife and environment. You meet Captain Charles Moore, who first discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and learn about how the invention of plastic has changed the world around us. Recommended for older readers.
- Smith-Llera, Danielle (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 64 Pages – 12/30/2019 (Publication Date) – Compass Point Books (Publisher)
Check out our list of Over 30 Incredible Ocean Themed Books, Games and Resources!
Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam, and the Science of Ocean Motion by Loree Griffin Burns. When cargo is accidently dumped into the ocean, it can wind up washing ashore anywhere in the world. This book follows Dr. Curtis Ebbesmeyer as he tracks garbage through the ocean in the hopes of better understanding the ocean’s currents and what we can do to help protect our seas.
- Griffin Burns, Loree (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 64 Pages – 04/05/2010 (Publication Date) – Clarion Books (Publisher)
Endangered Oceans: Investigating Oceans in Crisis by Jody S. Rake. We rely on the ocean for many things such as food, travel and recreation. It is hard not to love the seas. But, what else are we taking from it that we may or may not realize. Endangered Oceans shares some pretty startling facts about the causes and state of ocean pollution. Thankfully, there are people, just like you, jumping to action to help save our seas.
- Rake, Jody Sullivan (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 32 Pages – 01/31/2015 (Publication Date) – Capstone Press (Publisher)
Endangered Rivers: Investigating Rivers in Crisis by Rani Iyer. Many rivers empty into the ocean, so their health contributes to the condition of our seas. Endangered Rivers investigates what is causing our rivers to become polluted and what is being done to reverse the damage being done to wildlife and the environment.
- Iyer, Rani (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 32 Pages – 02/01/2015 (Publication Date) – Capstone Press (Publisher)
Orca Footprint Books
We highly recommend these books by Orca Footprint for your curious middle-schooler. Each book takes an in-depth look at some important environmental issues facing our world, and offers suggestions for ways you can help. This series is a fantastic resource for Earth Day books for kids.
Dive In! Exploring our Connection with the Ocean by Ann Eriksson. Explore the ways we are connected to the ocean and the many things it provides for mankind. It seems we haven’t been as gracious to our planet in return for all it’s given. You’ll learn about the problems facing our seas and meet some incredible people making a difference. We especially liked learning about Washed Ashore, a group that turns marine debris into art to spread the word on plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways.
- Hardcover Book
- Eriksson, Ann (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 10/09/2018 (Publication Date) – Orca Book Publishers (Publisher)
Trash Talk: Moving Toward a Zero-Waste World by Michelle Mulder. This book takes a look at garbage, from its ancient history to modern problems it’s causing that are destroying our planet. You’ll learn about everything from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, landfills, recycling, composting, to what you can do to reduce your own waste at home. This book is sure to get you thinking more, and asking questions, about trash.
- Mulder, Michelle (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 04/13/2021 (Publication Date) – Orca Book Publishers (Publisher)
Every Last Drop: Bringing Clean Water Home by Michelle Mulder. Getting clean drinking water at home, here in America, is pretty straightforward and easy. You might be surprised to see how people from other countries get fresh drinking water for their families. Every Last Drop takes you around the world to discover how water is cleaned, transported and used in daily life. It also looks at causes of water pollution and ways we can protect our water supply.
- Mulder, Michelle (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 02/08/2022 (Publication Date) – Orca Book Publishers (Publisher)
Pocket Change: Pitching In for a Better World by Michelle Mulder. See how current shopping trends and the demand for new products is affecting our world. Take a breather from the rush to get the newest product and read about ways changing your shopping habits can better the lives of others and the environment.
- Hardcover Book
- Mulder, Michelle (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 09/13/2016 (Publication Date) – Orca Book Publishers (Publisher)
Brilliant!: Shining a Light On Sustainable Energy by Michelle Mulder. A fascinating look at how energy is created and consumed throughout the world. Sustainable, environmentally safe ways of producing energy are discussed and the reader is encouraged to daydream new ideas for the future.
- Hardcover Book
- Mulder, Michelle (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 10/01/2013 (Publication Date) – Orca Book Publishers (Publisher)
Real-Life Earth Heroes
Heroes of the Environment: True Stories of People Who Are Helping to Protect Our Planet by Harriet Rohmer. This book is proof that everyone can make a difference! You’ll meet North American people, of all ages, whose ideas have helped improve their communities and the planet. You are sure to find one who shares one of your environmental passions!
- Hardcover Book
- Rohmer, Harriet (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 112 Pages – 07/29/2009 (Publication Date) – Chronicle Books (Publisher)
One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia by Miranda Paul. We’ve all seen them… plastic bags flying through the sky, littering our streets, and getting caught in trees. Isatou Ceesay saw the same thing, on a much larger scale, in her village in Gambia. The bags were piling up, making livestock sick or killing them after they’d eat one. After the rains, the water pooled in them providing a place for mosquitoes to lay eggs and spread disease. Isatou had an idea to clean up her community… maybe the bags could be repurposed. This book is a great reminder that one person can indeed make a difference. Don’t forget to check out the teacher resources available.
- Hardcover Book
- Paul, Miranda (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 32 Pages – 02/01/2015 (Publication Date) – Millbrook Press ™ (Publisher)
Ada’s Violin: The Story of the Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay by Susan Hood. This is the true story of a poor girl from Paraguay, who lived in a town built upon a landfill. She dreamed of playing the violin and one day a a music teacher helped her achieve her dreams by making instruments out of the garbage that surrounded them. What eventually resulted was the Recycled Orchestra, which has played at venues around the globe.
- Hardcover Book
- Hood, Susan (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 40 Pages – 05/03/2016 (Publication Date) – Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (Publisher)
You Can Help the Earth
Recycle! A Handbook For Kids by Gail Gibbons (a “Perhaps This Is…” favorite author). Follow along and discover what happens to an item that has been tossed into the recycle bin. Full of easy-to-understand facts on garbage/recycling, and plenty of useful ideas on how you can help our planet. Just enough information for younger readers.
- Gibbons, Gail (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 32 Pages – 04/01/1996 (Publication Date) – Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (Publisher)
Love Your World; How to take care of the plants, the animals, and the planet by DK Publishing. Perfect book to introduce younger listeners to caring for our earth. Beautiful, real-life photographs are paired with a sweet rhyme to tell about what even the littlest helper can do to help our planet.
- Hardcover Book
- DK Publishing (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 36 Pages – 03/16/2009 (Publication Date) – DK Children (Publisher)
The New 50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth by The EarthWorks Group. The author wrote this book FOR children after becoming frustrated with similar books on the market that seemed to talk down to kids and overlook their ability, and willingness, to help the earth. Full of dozens of websites to visit for more information on a variety of environmental topics.
- EarthWorks Group (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 208 Pages – 03/03/2009 (Publication Date) – Andrews McMeel Publishing (Publisher)
True Green Kids: 100 Things You Can Do to Save the Planet by Kim McKay and Jenny Bonnin. You’ll find dozens of easy ways you can help the earth at home, at school and even on vacation (which we love)! Little fact snippets are scattered throughout to help better understand different topics. As a fun challenge, see if your family can commit to ten of the ideas suggested in this book. You may be surprised to learn the variety of ways to get involved.
- Mckay, Kim (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 144 Pages – 09/09/2008 (Publication Date) – National Geographic Children’s Books (Publisher)
Planet Earth: 25 Environmental Projects You Can Build Yourself by Kathleen M. Reilly. Bursting with hands-on activities for kids, you’ll have a difficult time deciding which one to do first! The book is divided into two parts, “Understanding Our World” and “The Problems the Environment Faces,” and has tons of interesting trivia and scientific terms throughout.
- Reilly, Kathleen M. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 128 Pages – 07/08/2008 (Publication Date) – Nomad Press (Publisher)
Not For Me, Please! I Choose to Act Green By Maria Godsey. With one polite phrase as his call to action, Luke bravely changes the way he does things to help the planet. The story is told in rhyme and has fact snippets scattered throughout. This is a great book to introduce pollution, overconsumption, and ways to help our planet, to younger listeners.
- Godsey, Maria (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 34 Pages – 04/16/2018 (Publication Date) – CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (Publisher)
Don’t Throw That Away!: A Lift-the-Flap Book about Recycling and Reusing by Lara Bergen. Little hands love lift-the-flap books! This board book is the perfect way to get younger listeners involved and excited to learn about ways to help the earth through recycling and reusing. Don’t Throw That Away! is even printed on recycled materials.
- aa (Author)
- 03/24/1994 (Publication Date) – Little Simon (Publisher)
White Feather Flier Adventure Series
Touch the Earth by Julian Lennon. The first book of the series introduces young readers/listeners to the White Feather Flier, a magical aircraft that can visit anywhere in the world. Fun pictures and directions to “fly” help make the reader/listener feel as if they are in control of the plane. You’ll enjoy circling the planet looking for ways to help make it better for people, wildlife and the environment.
- Signed Autographed
- A Julian Lennon childrens book
- White Feather Flier Adventure
- Hardcover Book
- Lennon, Julian (Author)
Heal the Earth by Julian Lennon. Book two in the series takes you on a magical journey around the world to visit places that include bleached coral reefs and a tropical rainforest. There is still work to be done to help our planet and new ideas to get involved.
- Hardcover Book
- Lennon, Julian (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 40 Pages – 04/03/2018 (Publication Date) – Sky Pony (Publisher)
Love the Earth by Julian Lennon (available April 22, 2019). We are excited to get our hands on the third book of this series and our wait is over! Available on Earth Day 2019, Love the Earth is sure to inspire us to continue to make a difference in our communities and the world.
- Hardcover Book
- Lennon, Julian (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 40 Pages – 04/22/2019 (Publication Date) – Sky Pony (Publisher)
A Plastic Ocean: We Need a Wave of Change directed by Craig Leeson. This is a startling, undeniable look at the current condition of plastic pollution in our oceans. You cannot watch this movie and not be affected by what you will see. Tragic realities are shared such as Hawaiian seabirds consuming enormous amounts of plastic and an entire, remote island village living atop a mound of waste. If there is one movie you recommend to a friend, A Plastic Ocean should be it. This movie took four years and visiting 20 locations worldwide to produce. The dedication of this team of filmmakers is incredible. MUST WATCH!
- David Attenborough, Sylvia Earle (Actors)
- Craig Leeson (Director)
- (Playback Language)
- Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. By now, you’ve likely heard about the discovery of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This documentary will take you on a journey to explore the Garbage Patch and discover how the plastic is getting there, its effect on the ocean and what is being done to address the problem. This film is difficult to watch and will leave you with images of pollution that you won’t be able to forget. MUST WATCH!
- Amazon Prime Video (Video on Demand)
- Angela Sun (Actor)
- Angela Sun (Director) – Angela Sun (Writer) – Tanya Leal Soto (Producer)
- English (Playback Language)
- English (Subtitle)
Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series. Gorgeous footage makes this documentary a wonderful reminder of the beauty of our planet and why we must all be called to protect it. Each episode highlights a specific region of the world.
- Blu-ray
- Amaray Case
- David Attenborough (Actor)
- English, Spanish, French (Subtitles)
- Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
The Blue Planet BBC Collection. The beauty of the ocean and its wildlife are on display in this stunning documentary about our seas. You are sure to learn something new about this vast environment. We adored the ocean before watching this documentary and have managed to fall in love even more.
- Various (Actor)
- English (Publication Language)
- Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
This is great, thank you for this list!
We would enjoy them all eventually, but I’m wondering if you could choose a couple to recommend for a 2 year old?
Hi Naiya! My youngest really loved Earth: My First 4.54 Billion Years, The Lorax, Love Your World, Not For Me, Please. I Choose To Act Green, and all of the Julian Lennon books. We just added a Earth Day: An Alphabet Book and Don’t Throw That Away! which are adorable too. We hope you and your little one enjoy reading them together!
What a great collection! Thank you!
Of course!
never too old for a great kids book with a great message!!! Thank you for this
Couldn’t agree more! I swear, I learn more from reading a children’s non-fiction book than I did in school!
Looks like some great books here. Start them early to appreciate our beautiful and amazing earth!
Indeed! Never too young to learn to help others.
What a great selection of earth day books! Great way to expose kids to the importance of Mother Earth!
Many thanks… our earth and helping the planet are the subject I probably have the most books on in my home. Love learning about this stunning planet!
Tricia Snow
What a great list! So many choices and there is something for everyone!
Thanks! We might have an addiction to children’s non-fiction books… I always tell my husband though…”could be worse, could be cats!”. We only have one of those, lol!
What a fantastic list of books for not only learning but sharing the importance of taking care of our wonderful earth..perfect for reading outloud during family time, so it can be talked about as a family!
Thank you! We love reading-aloud together and learning about our planet. Happy reading!
These are some great books for adults and kids to read . Cleaning the earth is a good thing to teach kids of all ages along with adults.
We couldn’t agree more!
Ramae Hamrin
Very, very nice post! I homeschool and would have loved this list back when my kids were young. I appreciate how you talked about each of them. That took a lot of time and work, and you did a very nice job! And the environment thanks you too! 😊
Aw, this is so nice! Thank you! We are quite passionate about helping our planet and teaching our kids what they can do to help. Hooray for homeschooling!
Stacey Billingsley
What a great round-up of books! My daughter would love most of these; she loves animals.
Thank you! Sounds like our daughters would get along… mine wants to be a zookeeper or an animal rehab specialist. Enjoy reading together!
These are great recommendations! I am going to go to the library and check some out!
Good luck deciding on what to grab. We may be guilty of taking a wagon to the library a couple of times…lol!
That’s lots of earth books to read and explore earth.
We love a good story… and planet earth has no shortage!
What a wonderful list! We are going to share the post with my daughter and other family members! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much! We love sharing great books with others and are so happy to hear you are sharing our list.
Debbi H
Wow! A very comprehensive collection! I like that you included books for several different ages.
Thank you… between my sister and I, we have five children ranging in age from 5 to 13 years. Always a variety of books, at different levels, on many subjects in our homes.
Earth Day Birthday – love that book! I have shared this with my sister.
We like that one too! Many thanks for sharing!
Sydney Delong
Great list, thank you!!
Sure thing!
You’re very welcome!
Wow! I had no idea there were so many great books out there for kids on this topic. I love the idea of writing a love letter to the earth. 🙂
Isn’t the letter idea adorable?! We’re so happy so many authors have used their talent and passion to write about these subjects.
Great selection! I love “This Book Stinks!” Everyone always have a great laugh when I pull it out!
Right?! Such a funny title! So much information inside this book and presented in a way that appeals to kids… with a little humor.
heather J jandrue
So many good books here. I will pick up a few for my nephew.
Lucky nephew… sounds like he has an aunt that loves reading!
Interesting collection of Earth Day books. I’m sure my kids will like a few of those.
Our kids have loved having these books around. Hope your kids enjoy too!
Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life
What a great compilation for the young ones with such wonderful messages!
Thank you… we love seeing kids interested in our gorgeous planet!
What a great list of books! I found one or two that I need to order for my daughter. She would love them!
I hope your daughter enjoys your picks! YAY for books!!!
What a great list! My daughter loves reading a lot of these type books. I will have to show her
So happy to hear your daughter enjoys books about helping our planet!
So many good options. My son would love “All That Trash”
Thank you… we found that book pretty interesting too.
Angela | Mean Green Chef
Wonderful reads with a great message! Pinned thanks so much for sharing 🙂
Of course, and thanks for pinning! Happy reading!
What a great collection of books for Earth Day!
Thank you… we are so thankful so many children’s authors have written about this topic.
Annette Durbin
Great list of resources!! I think The Lorax is my all time favorite. I use this for ecology and Earth day lessons.
Thank you. So glad to hear you love the Lorax too and use it to teach kids. Just awesome!