Who is Trisha?
As you may already know, Charlene and I are sisters. Irish twins if you want to get more specific, born 11 months apart. Wanna know something even more crazy? Charlene was born at 12:31am and I was born at 12:31pm.…
Who is Charlene?
Salutations! Say what?! ‘Salutations’ is just a fancy way of saying hello! I learned this as a child in my favorite book, Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White. It is likely pretty obvious by that book title that I love nature, farms, friends, spiders (ok…just…
Two Sisters. Will Travel.
Hi! We are sisters, Trisha and Charlene. We were born in the 1980’s (the best decade ever), 11 months apart making us “Irish Twins.” If ever two sisters could share the same brain, it is us. Our lives mirror each…